After some thinking and after looking at what was left of the old station area after the recent rain we've had, I've changed the trackplan for the line to give a firmer base to run trains on while still retaining the option to run up the garden at a later date. The line now takes a L shape from a small pair of sidings curving around past a short siding onto the old mainline down the side of the house.
Since the photographs were taken, tracklaying was completed this evening and should be ready for a big steam up tomorrow featuring Leader and Premier on more test runs.
Just a quick shot of the new sidings which were installed late last year. Hopefully the current layout should be able to keep going for some time to come.
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Premier arrives!
After returning from a running day as part of the local 16mm Association group, I was pleased to see that No.2 Premier had arrived while I was out. After some basic work, the engine is now ready for service such as regauging, fitting the dumb buffers I use and the addition of Vacumn Pipes. The only remaining thing on my todo list is to remove the preivous owner's lettering on the saddle tank after which new nameplates which are on order from Narrow Planet will be fitted when they arrive with me.
'Premier' before the fitting of Vacumn Pipes
The two sisters 'Premier' and 'Leader' now side by side for the first time
Until next time when hopefully Premier will have seen some use either on my line or at another 16mm association open day.
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