Saturday, 18 October 2014

Diesels on Parade

After a relatively successful visit to a local 16mm Area group steam up, both my IPE battery electrics were running with the shortened Passenger set for test running at home/with the Battery electrics. Both engines were running well with both engines managing the full length set. However, the day didn't pass without incident. During a gust of wind, small twigs were blown onto the track and before the line could be cleared/train stopped, Jessie hit one of them derailing and pulling the whole train off the track and onto the concrete below. The passenger stock was relatively undamaged but Jessie, now with a new working gearbox, was another matter. On contact with the ground, the battery pack was sent flying out from under the bonnet along with detailing falling off and the coupling pins/chains being sent flying in all directions. On the upside, the gearbox survived as did the rest of the engine. The damaged internal electrics have been fixed with the detailing being glued back into place so the engine should be back in traffic shortly with some minor cosmetic work being required before a full return into service.



Monday, 13 October 2014

Time for a update - No.4 has arrived

Afternoon all,

After some recent saving up, I've been able to buy a new engine from Anything Narrow Gauge. Admitically, based on its close relative, I would have normally avoided this type of engine but after seeing the seller and knowing it was a good runner, I decided to just go for it.

No 4, is a IP Engineering Jessica.

Jessica is a 0-6-0 and was the largest out of the 3 IPE J class Battery Electrics. The other two designs were Jessie (Our No.2) and Jack (another 0-6-0). Like Jessie, Jessica uses 6 AA batteries and manual controls to set speed and direction. Jessica's relative success in operation unlike Jessie is in part down to its whitemetal gearbox. Jessie had one of them when brought originally but shortly after arrival, the gearbox split and had to be replaced with a plastic replacement. The only planned modification I have for Jessica is the fitting of identical vacumn pipes to Jessie then it will be ready for entry into full service. 

Already, Jessica is showing its higher power output than Jessie on testing being able to manage the full 3 coach IoM passenger set unlike the single coach Jessie can manage. However, due to the changed arrangement at the ends of the line, trains won't exceed 2 coaches and a van which is safety within the capilbilities of Jessica and potenially Jessie now its fitted with its new gearbox. With the success of Jessica, I'm now on the look out for its sister design 'Jack' which is also a IP Engineering 0-6-0. However, Jack along with Jessica don't appear very often second hand so it may be a case of being lucky.

Until next time,


Time for a update - Track Layout

Its been a while but I've finally got round to starting to complete the rest of the line. To date, I've finished the runround loop/steaming bay at the Broadstone end of the line and have started the final section of single track towards the 'End O Line'. To complete the sheds, I need an additional right hand point before completion can follow.

Basic testing has begun with Leader and a new arrival so I'm happy with the current results. Since all that the line will be used for will be test running along with the occasional steamup when I'm bored.

The revised Station layout before the missing section of SM32 was added. The G45 on the right is to give me somewhere to run my LGB when the mood takes me that direction.

The Station in raining mode with the new steamup bay clearly showable between the bins and the fence
The Single running line between Broadstone and the outer station limits of 'End O Line'.

Hopefully I'm going to be able to purchase the rest of the wood for the remaining track bed plus the extra point for the sheds then the railway should be complete in this form.

