Thursday, 5 February 2015

Motive Power News

After a short wait, Engine No.3 Millie has arrived!

As per the name (I do tend to name engines after thier class unless I have two of them like Leader and Premier), the engine is a Roundhouse Millie in Brunswick Green. Unlike Leader and Premier, Millie is 32mm only and can't be re-gauged reducing her route availability which is more than made up for by Leader and Premier.

Millie shown on the Railway shortly after delivery

The Steam Fleet all together

With the arrival of Millie, the pressure placed on Leader as the only serviceable engine has now been lifted allowing a program of improvements to begin. So far this has been limited to the refitting of its original Chopper Couplings (the reasons for this will be revealed at a later date), Nameplates, Builders Plates along with paintwork being applied in a similar style to Premier. Nameplates for Premier have arrived and have got parts on order to allow Premier to be returned to traffic once they arrive.
Leader after Phase 1 of detailing

With Leader now having similar levels of detailing to Premier (known as Phase 1), decisions have now been made to help mark each engine apart from each other apart from the different colours. The joys of both engines having real life counterparts means that its possible to detail both models accordingly. This has been called Phase 2 and affects both sister engines. Leader is being finished in the Livery (Since Autumn 2014 ish) that the real engine carries. While Premier is being finished in its 1970s livery which is similar to the one that Melior carries in service at the moment.

Leader in Service on the SKLR (Image from Twitter)

Melior shown on shed on the SKLR (Image from wikipedia commons)

Phase 2 should be being done using a mixture of Humbrol Acrylic Paints and Trimline lining tape. Having never used Trimline tape before, it should be a new experience to use it.

Hopefully, next time I should have some more news on the detailing work on Premier and Leader. And maybe something different to report on a rolling stock front.......


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